Sunday 24 January 2016

Letter from Projek Dialog

Today, Sr. Jackie received an email from the Yana Rizal coordinator of Projek Dialog, the group of young artists who visited us on Friday, 15 January 2016. Here are the contents of the beautifully written email.

The group of young artists with Robb, from the  Canadian High Commission  with us for Friday Mass.

Subject: Projek Dialog visit to Our Lady Fatima Church, Kota Bharu
Dear Sister Jackie,

Thank you so much for arranging our visit and the church's hospitality to our group of artists. Many of us were very heartened by the church's reception, and the community who was very welcoming towards us. The service would have been a first for a majority of the group (including Robb from the Canadian High Commission, who is a Buddhist). It was an eye-opening experience to see first-hand how worship is done in the church, which focuses a lot on the joyous praise of God.

We appreciated Father Francis Andrew's candid sharing with us, attending to our queries on everything from the Catholic  faith, systems and rituals, to his own personal experiences. Particularly what stood out was the thoughtful slide presentation by the church, which really gave us a good sense of the history, community and camaraderie among the Catholics in Kota Bharu. 

It was good to observe how the Catholic practice is also evolving over time (as evidenced by the altar girls), and I believe through these visits there will always new things to learn, appreciate and exchange with other faiths.

We are looking forward to the art exhibition in late February, which is set for the National Art Gallery in Kuala Lumpur. We would love to have any of the church community members there, if you are able to make the visit. The exhibition will be open for all.

Thank you once again for kindly accommodating us, and we do hope to keep in touch for perhaps future collaborations and visits. We hope our brief visit was as much a pleasure to you as it was for us.

(Also the refreshments were absolutely delicious!)

God bless.
Yana Rizal

(Coordinator, Projek Dialog)

Yana Rizal (center) with the group of young artists who visited us

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