Wednesday 5 November 2014


Tonight was the last session for the Bible Study Class conducted by Fr. Robert. Since May, the Bible Class on the Gospel of Mark has been held weekly on Wednesday nights with an attendance, averaging from 17 to 20 faithful participants. Fr. Robert did intensive research and helped us to understand in detail, the historical background  as well as the structure and development of St. Mark's Gospel. According to him, this was the first such bible study class he has conducted for parishioners. We also participated in Reading, Reflection and Sharing on the Gospel of Mark moderated by Sr. Regina Ho halfway through the course. These classes have been very helpful and we hope more will be conducted next year. We would like to thank Fr. Robert and Sr. Regina for the valuable time and effort they have given to help us grow in our knowledge and faith.

-Joseph Wang /Participant.

The participants of the Bible Class with Fr. Robert

Bible class in session 

Fr. Robert captures the attention of participants with his explanations 
The Bible Class participants attended the weekly session which started in May 2014