Friday 1 June 2018

Pesta Keamatan & Gawai 2018

Pesta Keamatan & Gawai on Feast of Corpus Christi

Kota Bharu, 1 June 2018


The cultural celebration started after mass and began with an opening prayer and short welcoming speech by Fr Francis. This was followed by several more dances. 

The youths, comprising different cultures, put together their talents to perform the special Kadazan dance, the Sumazau, a heritage from Sabah. 

The local parishioners, too, learnt the movement of Kadazan dance also known as Sumazau, and danced to a Kadazan song sung by the M.C, Primus. a Sabahan parishioner.

They also had fun participating in the games organised for the occasion after lunch and enjoyed singing their popular harvest festival songs. 

The effort to dress up did not go to waste as there was a 'Best dressed Person' competition', with the winners being crowned as the best-dressed male, female and 'junior'  for the event.

The celebration was a big success. It was beautiful to see our brothers and sisters from Sabah / Sarawak and the local parishioners come together to celebrate and to take part in the various activities. 

At the close of the programme, a representative from the East Malaysians thanked all who had come to join in this celebration. He also thanked the team who organised the event and gave thanks to Almighty God and Mother Mary

Photos courtesy of Jenny Teoh, Anne Yeo and Joseph Wang
Report by
Anne Yeo
Fr. Francis welcoming speech

The winners of the 'Best Dressed Participant' Competition

Posters for the Pesta Keamatan and Gawai 2018
The Organizing Team with our 'hero'
The youths who took part in the Dance presentation

The Youth Participants of the dances

The M.C. and solo Kadazan Singer Mr. Primus

The Winners!  and the Presentation of prizes by Fr. Francis

Beautiful People!

Particpants and Spectators Dancing to  Kadazan music

Dancing the 'Bamboo' Dance requires timing and precision

Serena Jonius and her firends dancing in time and with precision!

Parishioners taking part in some of the game events

Traditional game of Bowling with Coconut balls!

Joshua Ong, rolling the coconut bowling ball...

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