Friday 15 December 2017

Carol's Night

Tonight, the Youth( together with KCCS )members invited parishioners and friends to enjoy a musical drama entitled 'Carol's Night'  past, present and future.. It was an original modern version of Charles Dicken'a 'A Christmas Carol' ( remember Eberzeneer Scrooge?). The young actors and actresses presented a lively and meaningful drama, backed by the choir singing Christmas carols in the background. The audience (around 80-100) were thrilled by the unexpected good acting, especially Billy Teoh as the Rich but miserly  Man (scrooge) and particullary the audience were stunned by the appearance of  the scary  black 'Ghost' played by Nicholas Martin.. All in all, it was a good pre-Christmas presentation for all. Well done Billy and Nicholas and all the actors and actresses!

The cheerful emcees

Producer Nicholas Martin giving his speech

Fr. Francis welcoming the audience

Music and carols sung by the choir provided the musical background

Starring Billy and his co-star

Jane Able as the secretary to Billy ( 'Scrooge')

The Ghost in chains struggles with Billy

The Black 'Ghost' Death comes to greet him

Jane and Anne Yeo - Mother and daughter

The rich man finally realizes his emptiness

Beautiful actor and actresses

The Final scene

Encore! The All- Star Cast of the Carol's Night!

Presents for the audience! A christmas tree from Fr. Francis

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