Easter is the greatest feast in the Church's Calender.
Tonight's Easter Vigil Service is arranged in four parts:
Part 1: Service
of Light: The fire is lighted and blessed.
Easter Candle is ceremoniously prepared and is then lighted
this new fire.
Part 2: The Liturgy of the Word: The Church meditates on all the
wonderful things God has done for his people.
Part 3: Celebration of the Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism and Confirmation. We have 5 baptisms, the
culmination of a journey of faith through RCIA and we
welcome tonight, our newly baptised sisters and brothers.
Part 4: And
finally, we will celebrate the Liturgy of the Eucharist - Jesus truly alive.
Tonight is
a night of rejoicing - Jesus overcoming sin and death - rising again that all
of us may
have eternal life.
(Photo Credit: Jenny Teo and Joseph Wang)
Service of the Light held outside the church, on the field. |
Markings on the Paschal Candle, " the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the year 2016..." |
Lighting of the new fire |
Lighting the Paschal Candle from the new fire. |
All in darkness during the Service of Light. |
Lighting the incense from the new fire |
The Celebrant intones: "Christ Our Light" our Response "Thanks be to God" |
"Christ Our Light" for the 2nd time outside the front of the church |
The congregation follows in procession into the darkness of the church,
For the third time, the Celebrant intones: "Christ Our Light!" |
The Exultet being sung by Sr. Jackie |
The congregation with lighted candles listening to the Liturgy of the Word. |
The Elect and their sponsors being invited to front of the altar to receive the Sacraments of Initiation. |
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