Fourth Sunday of Advent 2014
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Vice Chairman, Mr. Gerard Yeo giving the fatewell speech on behalf of Mr. Alex Poh |
At today's mass, the parish bid a sad farewell to our beloved parish priest, Fr. Robert Daniel, who will be leaving us in a few days' time to take up his new posting as parish priest of Our Lady of Lourdes, Ipoh. After the thanksgiving hymn and post communion prayers, the PPC Vice-Chairman, Mr. Gerard Yeo read the farewell speech on behalf of the Chairman, Mr. Alex Poh who was indisposed.
Here is his farewell speech:
"REVEREND FR. ROBERT DANIEL, Rev. Sisters, and my dear brothers and sisters in Christ, Peace be with you!
We have been through this many times before, but when it comes down to that last moment - a moment to say goodbye, we are unable to handle it as well as we thought we would. Our much loved parish priest, Fr. Robert, is moving to a new parish - Our Lady of Lourdes in Ipoh, the biggest parish in the Penang Diocese. He will celebrate his last mass hear in Kota Bharu next Friday, 26 December 2014.
We accept this move to the new parish as a common and regular practice in our Catholic Church that priests move within their diocese to serve another parish after a set amount of time. A little change, a little pain,but eventually a transition considered beneficial for the priest and parish alike. It is a thoughtful and orderly process that is classic for Catholics. Yet, I must confess that Fr. Robert's impending departure is very painful for us. However, we are consoled by the fact that he has laid a very good foundation for us to build upon.
Father's departure is not completely unexpected. He has been with our Church for more than six years. He will leave behind a legacy - spiritual thoughtfulness rooted in deep Catholic faith, our Agape Room, our new Church interior, our splendid Fatima Hall, our 5-star toilets and the beautiful Church landscape. If he were to stay a bit longer, he would have seen through the completion of the Fatima Columbarium. The renewal of our Church speaks a lot about his mission, hard work and vision. The joyful welcome extended to all, manifests the living presence of Christ in our midst.
Fr. Robert is able to relate to all of the parishioners. His homilies are so discerning, and he is able to relate the Scriptures to everyday life. He never reads or uses notes for his homilies;they come straight from his heart. The atmosphere of Mass is filled with deep reverence. He is passionate in all he does within the parish. and this is reflected in his homilies. In Fr. Robert, is found a model of someone sincerely and profoundly tapped into the richness of the Catholic faith, which in turn, made us want to deepen our relationship with Christ. He knows what life is about, its joys and struggles. because he is a religious man of prayer, He knows what God's love is about, full of mercy and hope, healing and filled with joy. It is a great combination for preaching - knowing God and knowing people.
His leadership stems from his love for God and for his parishioners. We thank you Fr. Robert for your Truth and courage to speak the truth. You are a compassionate man, a friend to the sick and needy, but you stand like a rock on matters of principle. This is called integrity. Leadership has never been about popularity. Under Fr. Robert, the Church is a Church, not a business. It lives and breathes the Grace of God to all of its wounded and imperfect parishioners. We shall never forget the love, kindness and support which Fr. Robert has shown us. and of course his tolerance and forgiveness of our many imperfections. Amen to that!
I am sure that Fr. Robert's good work will still live on even after he leaves our parish. We shall always remember his faithfulness, constancy, zeal and dedication to his priesthood and his love for Mother Mary. This morning, we have an opportunity to celebrate his good work and to remember the great bonds of friendship and love that he inspires throughout the community. I am proud to say that Fr. Robert is our priest and our friend. Many of our parishioners will miss him, no doubt at all. We ask God to bless him abundantly as he begins his mission at his new parish.
In conclusion, please allow me to thank
The Food organising committee, the annual Family Christmas Organising Committee, the gracious Flower ladies, the musicians and youth choir, families and individuals who have sponsored the food and desserts, Lastly, I would like to thank each and everyone of you for making this farewell Christmas party such an unforgettable experience.
Please continue to grow and glow in love and beauty, graciously and gracefully.
Thank you and God bless.
Yours in Christ,
Alex Poh
Chairman, Parish Pastoral Council 2014
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The special farewell cake, rolled out by the 3 BEC coordinators, |
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Fr. Robert cutting the Farewell cake. |
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