Rev. Fr. Anthony Chong was
born on 21st March 1940 in Taiping and was ordained a priest on 8th
December 1968, together with Fr. Marshall and Fr. Naden. He has served in the
Penang Diocese for the last 44 years, as parish priest and assistant parish
priest in various parishes in the diocese.
Fr. Chong took over the parish of Our Lady of Fatima from
Jan 1990 – June 1999 and during his tenure here, the church was fully
air-conditioned, donated by several parishioners. The side extension of the
Church was enlarged and improved for holding various functions and activities.
The RCIA first
took off in 1993 with Sr. Caroline Gan organising
the sessions and we had 5 graduates in the first class, among them Matthew Teoh
and Adeline Tan (Anne Mary's sister). During this period, the RPP (Renewed
Parish Project) which was at that time, the Diocesan Option, was launched to reostructure
our BEC's and every year we had to organize a few Parish Events. One of
the annual events of the parish from 1970's -1990's was the Annual Parish Outing - we
used to hold picnics at different venues - Semerak beach, Bukit Keluang, Jeram
Pasu, Jeram Linang, Bukit Bakar etc.
Fr. Anthony
Chong served a second term from
2005-2008. In April 2008, he went on sabbaticcal leave. In his farewell speech,
he ended with these 3 words: “I Love YOU”
We bid farewell
to a beloved priest and spiritual father to all who come into contact with him.
Simple and humble in personality, at times serious and blunt, Fr. Chong lived life
to the fullest. An avid outdoor hunter and fisherman when he is not celebrating
mass, he loved to go out to sea with the local fishermen who regarded him as
one of them. Bringing back his treasures from his fishing trips, he shared them
generously with his parishioners. His homilies were simple, yet practical,
filled with down-to-earth everyday examples drawn from his own experiences.
are grateful to God for sending Fr. Chong to be with us all these years. He was
with us for a total of 12 years 7 months – 9 years 5 months during his first
term as parish priest, from 1991 - 1999 and again for another 3 years 2 months from 2005 – 2008.
A Father To All
“Fr. Chong loved Kota Bharu more than anywhere
else in Malaysia. Many times, he had expressed his intention and hope to be
able to retire in KB as he considered the congregation and nuns at Our Lady of
Fatima church like his family. After serving the Catholic Church for so many
years, one would have thought his wishes would have been granted but alas, that
was not to be. Many a times, he did sneaked back to KB from Ipoh, even for a
day or two, in between weekend masses to meet up with church members, and of
course, do a bit of his favourite fishing or hunting. Many homes have received
his generosity of fish, meat and pigeons. A simple man of God, humble parish
priest, quiet yet strong and consoling. Here is a man of the people and ever
ready to serve and much loved by all. Jesus must really be proud of Father
Chong as he has served the Lord unconditionally and epitomises the role of a
good father to all his congregation(children) and that's why he truly deserves
to be called Father. Thank you Father Chong.
– Rachel Tan
– Rachel Tan
Remembering His Generosity
I remember a few times Fr. Chong came to visit our rented house in Kelantan. he just came, knocked at our door and once the door was opened he would go straight to the fridge and put in all the fish, vegetables, oyster and fruits and left. He was like a father figure.
We are so blessed to have Fr Chong in Ipoh. Often he called to take wild boar from his fridge...fresh one. The other day during mass, all of us lining up to receive communion. Before he give the host, he said to Foong 'see me after church' and rezeki besar he gave us fresh wild boar again.
He loves everyone. After mass he always stand at the exit/entrance and offer everyone a sweet. So sweet of him.
He is very simple, when we call him to have an appointment to bless the new house immediately he said “ Come let's go now. When we told him the house is still in a mess, he said 'Who is complaining?' ..He was a great man. – Minsyeh
I remember a few times Fr. Chong came to visit our rented house in Kelantan. he just came, knocked at our door and once the door was opened he would go straight to the fridge and put in all the fish, vegetables, oyster and fruits and left. He was like a father figure.
We are so blessed to have Fr Chong in Ipoh. Often he called to take wild boar from his fridge...fresh one. The other day during mass, all of us lining up to receive communion. Before he give the host, he said to Foong 'see me after church' and rezeki besar he gave us fresh wild boar again.
He loves everyone. After mass he always stand at the exit/entrance and offer everyone a sweet. So sweet of him.
He is very simple, when we call him to have an appointment to bless the new house immediately he said “ Come let's go now. When we told him the house is still in a mess, he said 'Who is complaining?' ..He was a great man. – Minsyeh
He has always been there for me. At times
when i was so down when my husband was ill, he would somehow appear at my side.
Always a source of strength and encouragement.
Fr Chong has been like a family to all in Kota
Bharu. One fine day he came back from his fishing trip and brought a huge shark
at our convent porch and said “Share with the people I have to rush back to
Ipoh”...I said “Father how to cut this big fellow?”....and he said “ Figure it
out”. Sr Lucia and myself stood in front of the shark and we used all kind of
knives but it did not cut, in the end we used a saw.!!... Sr. Jackie
One night
we were out fishing at sea. Suddenly, a cool wind started to blow and
within minutes we were caught in the muddle of a storm. Sea water was smashing
the windows and I thought I better make peace with God if we were not going to
make it. That day I learnt true faith
from Fr. Chong!!! He was standing at the bow of the boat shouting away "ya
hoo...ya h...
- Edmund Yeo
In Fr. Chong’s
own Words
In his homily at a Mass celebrating the 43rd sacerdotal
anniversary of his priestly ordination at St Michael’s Church here on Dec 8, 2011
at the solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
God for His love to you, and ask yourself how closely you are following Jesus.
Salvation history shows the merciful love of God who made man so special with
intelligence and willpower. “It is this power given to us, which killed Jesus.
But God gave us a second chance, so that maybe mankind will appreciate
creation. “Man failed the first time, but God’s mercy in giving us a second
chance always is a reminder of his love.
“Christmas is a special grace, and a reminder to us. Do we follow Jesus, and do we welcome Jesus? “God says the son of God is coming. Mary was chosen to be the mother of Jesus, who is fully man and fully God. That is why we have the dogma of the Immaculate Conception. “It is a special privilege for us to prepare for the coming of Jesus at Christmas and we should be thankful.
“For these 43 years, God called me to proclaim, like Mary, the goodness of the Lord. So we must continue to thank God for his plan for us and continue to praise Him,” he said.
“Christmas is a special grace, and a reminder to us. Do we follow Jesus, and do we welcome Jesus? “God says the son of God is coming. Mary was chosen to be the mother of Jesus, who is fully man and fully God. That is why we have the dogma of the Immaculate Conception. “It is a special privilege for us to prepare for the coming of Jesus at Christmas and we should be thankful.
“For these 43 years, God called me to proclaim, like Mary, the goodness of the Lord. So we must continue to thank God for his plan for us and continue to praise Him,” he said.
We shall miss Fr. Chong
as he goes to meet His Master who I can hear saying to him, “Well done, Good and Faithful servant.
Welcome into your heavenly inheritance” To Fr. Chong, there will always be a place in
Kota Bharu for you, And your memory and example will always remain in our
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Fr. Anthony Chjong with the FMM Sisters |
Accompanying the Sisters in their Christmas Presentation in 2006 |
With the Parish Pastoral Council 2006-2008 |
Blessing all mothers on Mothers' Day 2005 |
Distributing Communion to the East Timurese Migrant Workers in Aring 5, Gua Musang |
Celebrating the Bishop's Birthday in 2005 |
Conclebrating Parish FeastDay Mass with Fr, Marshall in 2007 |
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